Sunday, March 21, 2010

Smoothies and Skincare.

As I write this I am swigging back a bottle of Arano Vanilla Bean and Honey Goodness Smoothie. It seriously has to be the best smoothie I have had in a long time. At $3.90 (375mL!) it was almost passed over, especially as the Simply Squeezed range was on special at $1.99 but I thought I may as well splash out and treat myself...I have had a very hard weekend. So glad I did, it's delicious! They had other flavours too, most notably carrot (juice, not smoothie).

Since running out of the only (sadly French made) nail polish that kept my nails in an acceptable state I have been searching for a NZ made solution. I've had lots of great suggestions; one of which was Trilogy's Everything Balm (thanks Annabel!) It is made in New Zealand, but it's not a product of New Zealand. I did happen to have some already though, I just use it as a hand cream each night and my nails have been all good!

This prompted me to search for other moisturisers, and the like. Skinfood ( definitely came out on top. For accessibility and price. The range was all about half that of the equivalents in the other brands and I found it on the shelf at the local supermarket. Mossops (; Emotional Rescue Skincare ( and Manig Olies ( were all similarly priced. They are all made from natural ingredients too. Manig Olies is even made in Christchurch! Two others came up in my search but I’m not so sure about them, Geo skincare ( and Oasis ( Geo skincare doesn’t actually say ‘made in New Zealand’. Oasis first turned me off when my eye stumbled onto the product information page. It seemed to be a list of warnings. It warned of temporary tingling and other discomforts due to a high amount of active ingredients. It also said it includes natural ingredients where the others said 100% natural ingredients. Why would I want to buy a product when the website lists side affects? The websites look surprisingly similar too. Geo skincare didn’t offer prices and Oasis was similar to Mossops, Emotional rescue and Manig Olies.

So, for now I am using up the last dregs of what I had before I started this experiment but when that’s all gone I will check out the Skinfood range. Maybe later when I have a bit more cash to throw around I will give Mossops, Emotional rescue or Manig Olies a go.


Sarah Goffe said...

Geo Skincare is a member of the Buy NZ Made Campaign so I can confirm that the products listed on our website for them are NZ Made ones. Oasis Beauty are awesome....their sunscreen has been endorsed by a number of climbers from Everest who swear the product is the best. I have used some of their products and I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

Leighcat said...

Maybe this is why Simply Squeezed is on special ...

This is what the Commerce Commission said:

Sarah said...

Thanks Sarah, I'll add them to my list of products to try!, very interesting! I will keep that in mind when looking for juice next time.

Tester JLG said...

Skinfood is great, I couldn't do without it!

Anonymous said...

A great New Zealand-made brand is the Herb Farm, they've got heaps of well-priced stuff!

Anonymous said...

I have used and love both Manig Olies and The Herb Farm. Good, honest NZ products without all the parabens and additives. I gave M.O. to some people for Christmas last year, and had good feedback about product later in the year. Definitely recommend!