Saturday, March 6, 2010

Petrol again.

The empty light in my car had been on for a few days and I kept meaning to go find a Challenge petrol station but always seemed to be in a rush. Today I had to run a few errands, one of which took me close to a Challenge. On the way though my car started doing all those stupid things they do just before they die and make you walk miles in search of petrol which I was in no fit state to be doing this morning. I happened to be close to a BP though and had a $20 AA voucher (BP is the only petrol station that takes them) so I pulled in and filled up with $20 worth of petrol. I figure it was ok though cos it was the AA's money, not mine.


shaz said...

You have really been making me think about the thing we buy, but I don't think I will let my petrol get that low.

Matthew Luxon said...

Hi there,

Well done on starting your challenge, I hope it goes really well for you, it is a great idea.

Do you have an email address I can contact you at?


Matthew Luxon