Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A New Zealand Made Mother's Day

While searching for something NZ made for Mum I came across three companies offering NZ made gifts.
Buckton & Day and Checkout New Zealand offer everything from oven trays to cat doors. The Beautiful Box Company Ltd offers a range of gifts sectioned into categories such as corporate gifts; gifts for kids; Maori gifts and even Mothers day gifts. www.getnzmade.net, my new favourite site also has a search option for Mothers day gifts. Check them out if your stuck for ideas!


Leighcat said...

and don't forget to ask the florist where the flowers are from before you get Mum that nice bunch from Mother's Day.

Last year NZ imported $2.5m of flowers and foliage, mostly from India and Malaysia.

Sarah said...

Thanks Leigh! I never considered that, I assumed they'd all be from here.

Gypsy said...

I've just discovered your blog Sarah and its great. My 2010 goal is to buy nothing new (except shoes, underwear and consumables)OR if I have to buy new I will buy made in New Zealand OR organic and fair trade.

So far so good - my latest discoveries are www.innature.co.nz for made in New Zealand organic bedding and www.gonative.co.nz for some cool New Zealand made beauty ingredints, plus some organic stuff too.

Loving your blog, keep it up!