Friday, February 26, 2010

Supermarket chains or locally owned?

So I failed again...kinda...I had to buy the fruit and veg for work today and didn't really have a choice about what things to get. Aswell as heaps of NZ fruit and veg I ended up getting Ecuadorian bananas and Italian kiwifruit.I did go to Growers Direct though, figured it's better than The Funky Pumpkin, Raeward Fresh, Countdown or whatever. Also, it wasn't my money and I didn't have a choice about what to buy.


Ryan Christensen said...

Italian Kiwifruit? Surely it would be cheaper to get it from Te Puke in the North Island(Kiwifruit capital of the world) than another country half way around the world!I'm not trying to blame you Sarah, I say you are doing a valiant effort but then must responsibility lie with NZ producers? Is it just not hot enough in NZ? No way of creating humid rooms eg. Glass houses,for creating a national icon? If we want to be seen as a huge producer of NZ made would agriculture be a good place to start in New Zealand considering our farming prowess?

Sarah said...

Well you'd think we'd have the perfect climate here to grow 'kiwi'fruit but unfortunately they can't survive our winters (apparently!). Maybe it's cheaper to import them than pay for and deal with glass houses etc. I read that it's cheaper (and has a smaller carbon footprint) for the UK to import tomatoes from Spain than it is to grow them in the UK!

Leighcat said...

Hi Sarah, that's exactly right - we can't store kiwifruit all year round. The best thing is to buy fruit and vegetables when they are in season, then they should be a bit cheaper too. The kiwifruit season is just underway now so the kiwifruit available now should be from NZ. The same goes for apples now too. We store them for almost the entire year, then import until the next season starts.

What you are doing is absolutely brilliant and I will be keeping an eye on your blog. Let me know if you have more questions

Horticulture New Zealand